Advanced Pay-Per-Click Marketing Strategies Drive Quality Traffic to You
Every day, businesses with exceptional services and well-crafted sales copy miss out on hundreds of calls for one simple reason: new customers cannot find them in keyword searches.
Pay-Per-Click marketing is one of the best ways to increase your sales base—but it is only as effective as its campaign allows it to be. When companies execute PPC without a sophisticated understanding of long-term strategy, they can see quick growth one year, followed by big loss the next, sometimes verging on bankruptcy because they are paying too much per click. With Galt Strategies, our process is optimized for your success. We can cut average spending per click in half while increasing the number of worthwhile visitors to your site.
Our Optimized PPC Process Increases Traffic, Brings Down Cost Per Click
Galt combines a tactical approach and up-to-the-minute knowledge base in every PPC marketing campaign we execute. Here are the essential elements of our process:
• Target your PPC for a strong quality score. Galt will create hundreds of ad groups, break them down granularly for thousands of related keywords and test them against one another for each keyword. This highly targeted approach to ad writing and strategy will raise your quality score while decreasing your cost per click. The Galt mission, should you choose to accept it, is to reduce your cost per click by 50 percent within one year.
• Increase impression share for higher web visibility. As you may know, Google does not show your ad to every customer that searches your targeted query. In fact, most businesses have less than half the impression rate they should. With Galt, you can expect to see your impression shoot up to 90 percent. That increase will in turn trigger a dramatic increase in targeted traffic and sales.
• Build an “anti-marketing” campaign to push out the competition. With Galt hosting the auctions, we can decrease your cost per click while driving your competitors’ costs up. While they slog through more expensive marketing budgets, we can leverage yours to take more prospective customers with cheaper clicks. Translation: you can effectively grab the majority of your target market.
• Create a mobile PPC campaign development.
These days, mobile is king. Galt consultants can build a mobile PPC campaign for you that will ensure your ads are seen by 33 percent more customers. Not only will you gain traffic, but mobile clicks are also very inexpensive to achieve, and they convert especially well when you already have a mobile website.
Could you benefit from increased online traffic?
Find out how you can get the maximum in quality leads at minimum PPC price by contacting a Galt representative today