Galt Strategies’ owner, Michael Bodnar, has a passion to help companies create beyond profit cultures of giving within their organizations. He believes there should be a greater purpose to a company’s financial gain. That greater purpose should be tied to the company making a mark on humanity in a way that is unique, measurable, and life changing.
Therefore, Bodnar’s goal is to help companies become “beyond profit” companies while they become profitable companies. What is a “beyond profit” company? Bodnar says, “It is a company that extends its profit beyond itself to the needs of others so life change and transformation result.”
Galt Strategies itself has participated in numerous projects in Kenya, East Africa. Besides coming alongside other companies to help become their bridge to these people of need, Galt has participated in one village in particular with a longer goal in mind. Samburi, a village a several thousand people, is situated in a harsh, arid, and drought prone area. A well was drilled in this village in 2016 which brought clean water to all the villages in the surrounding territory. As a result, Galt decided to build green houses, establish a banana and papaya orchard, and give a goat farm so provision and sustainable resources could come to these desperate people.
The greater goal is to build out the entire three acres purchased by Galt with more green houses and orchards so proceeds can be given to the orphans of these villages. There are about twenty orphans that have been taken into the homes of the villagers, but they have very little provision to help these children. When the entire property is full of greenhouses and orchards, there will be funds available to channel to these families who have embraced these orphaned children.
Beyond profit companies are not just about projects. It’s a mindset of how you see life. Life is to be lived beyond your own desires and personal agendas. Therefore, Galt embraces a style of leadership defined as servant leadership. It helps to empower employees so they can rise to the level of their potential in environments that are life giving and supportive, not driven by fear or intimidation. Galt realizes that people have real lives with real challenges and personal pain. Therefore, the company has always provided the resource of counselors and chaplains who help the employees carry their challenges when they arise.
Legacy is what you leave behind once you’re gone. It’s not only the monetary things you leave to others, but the impact you’ve made on them as well. Mr. Bodnar desires, more than anything else, to have as his legacy that he made a significant difference in the world. It has to be intentional, sacrificial, and impactful. By choosing to serve the people of northern Kenya as well as his own employees and customers, Galt Strategies is creating a legacy that will have people telling its stories of impact for generations to come